Eurobulk Company's roots go back four generations, to the times when steam and diesel engines did not exist and ships were propelled by sails. They have embraced innovation, growing from barque "Eleni" to management of ocean-going vessels. Experts in their field, Eurobulk must deliver a cohesive digital experience that supports the needs of their various sales teams and industry partners. This means a new and robust platform, a new information architecture, and an enhanced user experience.

We structure the design of information to re-define the relationships between different elements to ensure clarity and enhance User Experience. To reinvigorate the digital experience and services for users and teams globally we engaged in an in-depth, collaborative process with various internal teams to develop the information architecture that will help users understand where they are, what they’ve found, what’s around, and what to expect. That culminated in an incredibly secure fast and lightweight static CMS-powered digital experience.